A19 - Arcade Legends 2 (2 Players) - Classic Arcade Game (125 + Games)

*Holiday Pricing May Vary
GOOD: Regular Price Up To 6-Hour Rental: $219.00
Better: Overnight (Keep It till The Next Morning) $273.75
BEST: Weekend Rental (Friday To Monday) $547.50
Monitors: Full adult supervision
Outlets: 1 - 120v
• Full adult supervision
• (1) 20 amp electrical outlet within 5ft of distance
• Must be set up indoors, or outdoors in a tent with 4 side walls
• Cannot be brought up or down stepsLegendary arcade games
Custom MenuThe custom menu sorts game titles by name, manufacturer, and favorites, allowing the user to quickly navigate the 125 titles. Highlighted games are previewed and the user is provided a brief tutorial once a game is selected.
Requirements:• Full adult supervision
• (1) 20 amp electrical outlet within 5ft of distance
• Must be set up indoors, or outdoors in a tent with 4 side walls
• Cannot be brought up or down steps
Legendary arcade games
authentic in every detail, including:
- 1942™(1984, Capcom)
- Alpine Ski™(1982, Taito)
- Arkanoid®(1986, Taito)
- Asteriods®(1979, Atari)
- Battlezone®(1980, Atari)
- Berzerk™(1980, Stern)
- Bubble Bobble®(1986, Taito)
- Burger Time®(1982, G-Mode)
- Centipede®(1980, Atari)
- Commando™(1985, Capcom)
- Defender®(1980, Midway)
- Double Dragon™(1987, Million/Technos)
- Elevator Action®(1983, Taito)
- Final Fight®(1989, Capcom)
- Food Fight™(1983, Atari)
- Ghosts 'n Goblins®(1985, Capcom)
- Ghouls 'n Ghosts™(1988, Capcom)
- Golden Tee Golf®(1990, Incredible Technologies)
- Golden Tee Golf II®(1992, Incredible Technologies)
- Gravitar®(1982, Atari)
- Joust®(1982, Midway)
- Jungle Hunt™(1982, Taito)
- Karate Champ®(1984, G-Mode)
- Lunar Lander®(1979, Atari)
- Mega Man®(1995, Capcom)
- Millipede®(1982, Atari)
- Missle Command®(1980, Atari)
- Mouse Trap™(1981, Exidy/Kauffman)
- Qix®(1981, Taito)
- Robotron:2084®(1982, Midway)
- Space Invaders®(1978, Taito)
- Street Fighter II CE®(1992, Capcom)
- Tempest™(1980, Atari)
Also Features:
- 1943™(1987, Capcom)
- 10-Yard Fight™(1983, Irem)
- Anteater™(1982, Stern)
- Arkanoid 2®(1988, Taito)
- Armored Car™(1981, Stern)
- Asteroids Deluxe®(1980, Atari)
- Battle Chopper™(1987, Irem)
- Battle Road™(1984, Irem)
- Black Tiger™(1987, Capcom )
- Black Widow™(1982, Atari)
- Burnin' Rubber®(1982, G-Mode )
- Calipso™(1982, Stern)
- Cameltry™(1989, Taito)
- Captain Commando™(1991, Capcom )
- Caveman Ninja™(1991, G-Mode )
- Chack 'n Pop ™(1983, Taito)
- Cheyenne™(1984, Exidy/Kauffman)
- China Gate™(1984, Million/ Technos)
- Clay Pigeon™(1986, Exidy/Kauffman)
- Cobra Command™(1984, G-Mode)
- Combat™(1985, Exidy/Kauffman )
- Crack Shot™(1987, Exidy/Kauffman )
- Crime City™(1989, Taito)
- Crossbow™(1983, Exidy/Kauffman)
- Crystal Castles™(1983, Atari)
- Double Dragon 2®(1989, Million/ Technos)
- Dragon Breed™(1989, Irem)
- Empire City™(1986, Seibu Kaihatsu)
- Fax™(1983, Exidy/Kauffman)
- Final Blow™(1988, Taito)
- Frenzy™(1982, Stern)
- Gallop™(1991, Irem)
- Great Swordsman™(1984, Taito)
- Hammerin' Harry™(1990, Irem)
- Hard Hat™(1982, Exidy/Kauffman)
- Hit 'N Miss™(1982, Exidy/Kauffman)
- Kengo™(1989, Irem)
- Kung-Fu Master™(1984, Irem)
- Legend of Hero Tonma™(1989, Irem)
- Liberator™(1982, Atari)
- Liquid Kids™(1990, Taito)
- Lock 'N Chase®(1981, G-Mode)
- Lost Tomb™(1983, Stern)
- Lunar Rescue™(1979, Taito)
- Magic Sword™(1990, Capcom)
- Major Title™(1990, Irem)
- Mega Twins™(1990, Capcom)
- Minefield™(1983, Stern)
- Moon Patrol™(1982, Irem)
- Moon War™(1981, Stern)
- Nastar™(1988, Taito)
- Ninja Kids™(1990, Taito)
- Ninja Spirit™(1988, Irem)
- Pepper II™(1982, Exidy/Kauffman )
- Pirate Pete™(1982, Taito)
- Plotting™(1989, Taito)
- Plump Pop™(1987, Taito)
- Puzzle Bobble®(1994, Taito)
- Rainbow Islands™(1987, Taito)
- Rainbow Islands Extra™(1988, Taito)
- Rastan®(1987, Taito)
- Red Baron™(1980, Atari)
- Rescue™(1982, Stern)
- Return Of The Invaders™(1985, Taito)
- Section Z™(1985, Capcom)
- Shootout™(1985, G-Mode)
- Shot Rider™(1985, Seibu kaihatsu)
- Showdown™(1988, Exidy/Kauffman)
- Side Trak™(1979, Exidy/Kauffman)
- Son Son™(1984, Capcom)
- Space Duel™(1982, Atari)
- Space Invaders DX®(1993, Taito)
- Spectar™(1980, Exidy/Kauffman)
- Speed Coin™(1984, Stern)
- Street Fighter II®(1991, Capcom)
- Super Breakout®(1978,Atari)
- Super Burger Time™(1990, G-Mode)
- Super Qix®(1987, Taito)
- Targ™(1980, Exidy/Kauffman)
- Tazz Mania™(1982, Stern)
- The New Zealand Story™(1988, Taito)
- Tropical Angel™(1983, Irem)
- Tumble Pop®(1991, G-Mode)
- Venture™(1981, Exidy/Kauffman)
- Warlords®(1980, Atari)
- Water Ski™(1983, Taito)
- Who Dunit™(1988, Exidy/Kauffman)
- World Class Bowling™(1997, Incredible Technologies)
- X-Multiply™(1989, Irem)
- Zippy Race™(1983, Irem)
- Zoo Keeper™(1982, Taito)